My Three Little 'Ice Breakers'

I spend a fair amount of time traveling around the country teaching, presenting, and lecturing on integrated project delivery, collaboration, and acquisition management. I teach the "Owner's Series" course work for DBIA, I just presented a lecture at Drury University (my Alma Mater), I, along with the owner and design-builder, presented a performance-based design-build project at the AIA National Convention. I could go on (lucky for you, I won't)...I just finished a comment in my Linkedin discussion group, and thought I'd share it.

During nearly all of these presentations and lectures I ask three (tongue-in-cheek) questions as an 'ice breaker' to get the audience thinking...

How do you stump an designer? Answer: Give them a budget.
How do you stump a builder? Answer: Give them a blank sheet of paper.
How do you stump an owner? Answer: Ask them what they want.

The point I want to make is that all three primary players involved in project delivery truly need each other to define, plan, and create a successful project. This interdependence is what I believe has led to the move toward integrated project delivery: the realization that no one player is the end-all in creating success.

The best that Integrated Project Delivery offers is success for each of the three players...the least it offers is a project executed without any major surprises. Either way, IPD adds value to any owner, any designer, and any builder on any and every project. So why not Integrated Delivery for all projects? Stay tuned....

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