
Showing posts from September, 2012

Unicorns, Rainbows, and Low-Bid Contracting

O nce upon a time, in a land far far away, people always believed that the lowest price yielded the best value. They took solace in this fact while they rode their white unicorns under bright rainbows that had pots of gold at either end. One day their "Master Keeper of Building Projects" (MKBP) got a headache explaining the process of "Best Value" to his students while they feasted on bacon sandwiches and ice cream (as these, of course, were the best prevention for heart disease and diabetes) . The Master began … "Design-Bid-Build awards the contract to the lowest Price, why? Since the 'plans & specifications' (the solution) are exactly the same for every Priced Proposal submitted (bids), the lowest bid provides the best value. The end."